Following the suspension notice issued by the Singapore Food Agency to Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd on 4th December 2024, which was finally lifted on 27th December 2024, Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd acknowledges and understands that there has been a misconception and would like to clarify the following:
The suspension notice from the Singapore Food Agency was solely issued to Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd, and pertains only to the area and production space leased and managed by Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd, which are at Block B, Level 5 at No. 10 Chin Bee Drive, Singapore 619861.
This suspension is not related to any areas and production spaces of People Bee Hoon Factory Pte Ltd.
Sun Brand “Hup Huat Bee Hoon” is not produced by People Bee Hoon Factory Pte Ltd.
The management of Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd would like to clarify to the public that Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd and People Bee Hoon Factory Pte Ltd are two independent and separate legal entities.
Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd has leased office and production space from People Bee Hoon Factory Pte Ltd for a period of three years due to the redevelopment of its registered address at No. 8, Wan Lee Road, Singapore 627940.
Hup Huat Noodles Pte Ltd sincerely regret to the management of People Bee Hoon Factory Pte Ltd for any negative impact and harm that may have had on their reputation and products.
We at Hup Huat would like to assure our customers, partners, suppliers and stakeholders, that we take matters relating to food hygiene very seriously. We will spare no effort to uphold our food hygiene standard.
Your continuous support is our strength to move forward.
Thank you!
针对新加坡食品局于2024年12月4日向合發面工业私人有限公司发出的暂停产通知,最终于 2024 年 12 月 27 日解除的事件, 合發面工业私人有限公司意识到此事引发了公众的误解,特此澄清:
新加坡食品局的暂停产通知仅针对合發面工业私人有限公司在No. 10 Chin Bee Drive, Singapore 619861 B座五楼向人民米粉厂私人有限公司所租赁的生产空间。 此空间由合發面工业私人有限公司全权管理及运作。
合發面工业私人有限公司管理层谨此澄清,合發面工业私人有限公司与人民米粉厂私 人有限公司是两个独立运作且互不关联的公司。
由于合發面工业私人有限公司位于No. 8 Wan Lee Road, Singapore 627940 的注册地址正在进行重建工作,合發面工业私人有限公司向人民米粉厂私人有限公司租赁办公和生产空间,租期为期三年。